Northeast Industrial Park Expansion - Environmental Assessment
Project Location: Northeast Industrial Park
Status: Second Public Information Centre held June 2024
Project Details:
The City of Belleville is continuing to expand its busy Northeast Industrial Park, located south of Highway 401, east of Cannifton Road, and north of the Canadian National Railway corridor in the City of Belleville. To meet the needs of a growing manufacturing base, the City of Belleville is looking to provide road access and municipal servicing to more than 685 acres of City-owned lands from the end of College Street East easterly to Atkins Road to ensure there is a long-term supply of fully serviced and zoned industrial land ready for development.
The purpose of the subject Northeast Industrial Park Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) is to demonstrate the highest and best use potential for the entre remaining City owned property which will include identifying future roadways (including crossing the Bell Creek and the Bell Creek Provincially Significant Wetland), the water and wastewater servicing strategy, and stormwater management measures as necessary to develop the remaining industrial lands.
Following this MCEA and preliminary design assignment, detail design will proceed under a separate assignment(s) followed by phased construction of the recommended road(s) and municipal services.
Belleville Northeast Industrial Park EA - Notice of Commencement
Northeast Industrial Park Expansion EA - PIC #1 Display Boards
Northeast Industrial Park Expansion EA - PIC #2 Display Boards
Completion Time: 2024
If you would like more information or have questions, please contact:
Future Development
The City recognizes the need to have development-ready employment lands available to enable employers to invest in the growth of this community. Over time the City has acquired approximately 685 acres of land adjacent to the existing North East Industrial Park and is actively in the process of servicing these lands to make them available for sale and development. The first step is this process was expanding the urban boundary to enable the lands to be developed. This was completed in 2022 when the City’s new Official Plan was endorsed by the Province of Ontario.
Following upon the approval of the Official Plan and the expansion of the Urban Boundary, an Environmental Assessment process was commenced in 2023. Completion of the Environmental Assessment is the first step in preparing the entirety of the remaining City-owned Northeast Industrial lands for development.
The process and timelines which the City is following to provide fully serviced and development-ready employment lands to investors includes the following:
- Completion of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) as required by the Environmental Assessment Act – approximately 18 months; commenced in 2023 and to be completed in 2024. This work will also include completion of a Preliminary Design to establish Road Allowances and development blocks.
- Detail Design – approximately 1 year, 2025, subject to capital budget approvals. Detail design may be undertaken in a phased approach as funding permits. This MCEA includes preparation of an Implementation Plan including cost and time estimates for infrastructure detail design and construction required for development of remaining lands in a phased approach.
- Environmental and Regulatory Approvals – approximately 1 year, 2026. To ensure that development of these lands occurs in an ecologically sensitive and respectful manner it will be necessary to secure several permits prior to undertaking any construction activity in this area.
- Construction – approximately 1 year, 2027. Construction may be in a phased approach as funding permits.
- Severance and sale of employment lands – sale(s) can occur following completion of the environmental assessment.
- Development by private developers – development by private investors cannot commence until the servicing construction (roads, water, wastewater, utilities) has been completed. This is currently projected to be 2028.
Therefore, the earliest anticipated availability for fully serviced industrial lands is end of 2028.